Practice Log for Saturday, 19 May 2018
focus on building speed and sight reading accuracy May 19, 2018 musicTopic | Start Time | End Time | Notes |
warm-up | 13:06 | 13:18 | q=70, 16ths MAB warm-up |
scales | 13:31 | 14:13 | q=70 – 130, 8th notes 3rds (top) in Db |
sight reading | 15:30 | 15:56 | q=70, C4 – C5 |
repertoire | 23:43 | 23:53 | more than words |
I did a little metronome race to get the scale pattern down a little better. I only did this for D flat, but I also practiced G flat and A flat.
I’m not really sure about best “practices” when it comes to improving speed and accuracy of an action. I might see if there is any research on this subject.
Sight Reading
My sight reading seems to have improved a little bit. Fewer mistakes, overall, which I attribute to better previewing. This practice was pretty much the same as the last time I sight read, which was a few practices ago.
I tried a strategy of looking for two main things: large intervals and sequences of faster notes. I made few or no mistakes for each 30-bar section I read, so this seems to be a winninng formula. (Sight reading generated at
I learned the form of the song. First things first, I guess. Form is simple:
A B C - A B C
with a short interlude after the first C.
No time for any more today.