Practice Log for Anniversary of Tiananmen Square Massacre

I drive myself crazy trying to figure out LilyPond issues June 4, 2018 music
Topic Start Time End Time Notes
warm-up 22:00 22:03 q=70
scales 22:03 22:33 q=90
repertoire 23:16 00:09 more than words



Problem areas are almost always around the 2nd and 3rd strings. In today’s practice:

  • E-flat, IV – iii
  • D, ii – iii – IV
the tricky position to play this in

the tricky position to play this in


I decided I’d revisit the lead sheet I was trying to make for “More than Words”. After screwing with it for about an hour, I made it look worse than it did before…

I’m trying to find a way to solve what seems like a stupid problem: double bar lines don’t print before start repeats. In fact, if I try to specify a barline before a repeat, then the barline disappears at the end of the staff. (The problem doesn’t appear in this rendering.)

I don’t know how to solve this, but I may just break down and manually insert the bar lines, for now. It’s less than ideal, though, because it breaks MIDI output—if I wanted it, which I don’t, so it’s not that important—it doesn’t follow the concept of WYSIWYM because it doesn’t use LilyPond’s built-in repeat mechanism.

Randy Josleyn teacher-linguist-guitarist wannabe